The 2020 Regional Assembly, held on October 16-17, was the first ever VIRTUAL assembly for the Pacific Southwest Region. Thank you to all participants, volunteers and event staff who made the 2020 Regional Assembly a meaningful event!
We invite you to enjoy videos from our worship services, and more videos from the 2020 Regional Assembly are coming soon!
VIRTUAL EXHIBITORS: Please continue to visit the many virtual exhibitors our exhibitor page.
GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: It is not too late to give to one of our special offerings. Visit our Special Offerings page to learn more about the Week of Compassion and Pro-Reconciliation Anti-Racism Ministry. With the registration fee for Regional Assembly waived this year, if you feel led to make a donation to help offset the costs associated with event, please send it by mail to the Regional Office or by credit card through our Paypal site.
A congregational slideshow and Regional Minister Rev. Richie Sanchez opens up the 2020 Regional Assembly on Friday, October 16, 2020.
Watch the Friday night worship service, featuring keynote speaker Rev. Chanhee Heo and a special offering benefiting the Week of Compassion.
Educational Opportunity I - “Spiritual Care in the Midst of Crisis.” Presenters: Rev. Hector J. Hernandez, Rev. Angela Whitenhill-Shields, and Sarah Serrano, LCSW National Benevolent Association
Educational Opportunity II & III- New & The Living Way Panel Discussion and “Crisis Compels Creativity” with Rev. April Johnson
The October 17, 2020 Business Session from the Regional Assembly
The Saturday afternoon worship service, featuring keynote speaker Rev. Yolanda Norton and a special offering benefiting the Pro-Reconciliation Anti-Racism Ministry.